

发布时间:2012-01-05    作者:      来源:      浏览次数:

1.    Xu, W.B., Li, Z.W. *, Ding, X.L., Zhu, J.J. Interpolating atmospheric water vapor delay by incorporating terrain elevation information, Journal of Geodesy, 85(9): 555-564, doi: 10.1007/s00190-011-0456-0, 2011. 


2.    Jiang, M., Li, Z. W. *, Ding, X. L., Zhu, J. J., Feng, G.C. Modeling Minimum and Maximum Detectable Deformation Gradients of Interferometric SAR Measurements, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13: 766–777, 2011 


3.    邢学敏,丁晓利,朱建军,汪长城,丁伟,杨亚夫,王永哲. CRInSAR与PSInSAR联合探测区域线性沉降研究,地球物理学报, 54(5):1193- 1204,2011 


4.    Tang, Y. Q., Zhang L. P. and Huang X.. Object-oriented change detection based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using high-resolution multispectral imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(20), 5719-5740, 2011.


5.    Zou Bin, Zeng Yongnian*, Zhan F. Benjamin, Charles York, Liu Xingjian, 2011. Performance of Kriging and EWPM for Relative Air Pollution Exposure Risk Assessment. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5(3): 769-778.[SCI]


6.    Zou Bin, Wilson J. Gaines*, Zhan F. Benjamin, Zeng Yongnian, Wu Kongjiang, 2011. Spatial-temporal Variations of Regional Ambient Sulfur Dioxide Concentration and Source Contribution Analysis: A Dispersion Modeling Approach. Atmospheric Environment, 45(28): 4977-4985.[SCI]


7.    Jiao Liming, Liu Yaolin, Zou Bin, 2011. Self-organizing dual clustering considering spatial analysis and hybrid distance measures. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 54(8): 1268-1278.[SCI]


8.    Deng M., Liu Q.L., Cheng T., Shi Y., 2011, An adaptive spatial clustering algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(2011): 320-332 (SCI)
