A Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Signals from SwArm Satellites
报告人/SPEAKER: Angelo De Santis
Director of Research, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
地点 /PLACE: 213 conference room, Physics Building
时间 /TIME : 9:00 a.m., May 18th, 2018
Prof. Angelo is Head of Geosystemics Research Group at INGV. He is Professor of Geophysics at Chieti Univ., of Earth Magnetism at Rome 3 Univ., of Geophysical Methods at Rome La Sapienza Univ. He has published 214 scientific/technical articles (168 international including 113 ISI papers and contributions to 22 books; h-index≥ 23) and presented around 180 communications (70% international) several of which by invitation. He is Editor of three scientific Journals, and has been referee for around 140 international papers (Top Reviewer for Tectonophysics in 2008) and Organiser/Convener in many International Conferences and Congresses. He developed original 2D and 3D techniques for regional geomagnetic field and ionospheric modelling. He has deeply studied chaos and fractal properties in the geomagnetic field and the possibility for an imminent change of its polarity. In seismology he has discovered the relationship between b-value of Gutenberg-Richter law and Shannon Entropy. He has recently introduced the concept of geosystemics as a way to approach the study and understanding of our planet in a more complete perspective. He has the qualification of Professor (National qualification in 2012). He was member of the Phase A Mission Advisory Group of Swarm ESA satellite mission, member of Scientific Committee of INGV, and member of the Joint Committee INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics)-INGV and of the Interdivisional IAGA Working Group Education and Outreach. He has been vice-president of EMRP (Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics) Division of European Geoscience Union (2011-2014) and is now President from April 2015 to 2017. He has been responsible of many National and International projects funded by NATO, European Commission, ESA, Foreign Office, PNRA, Italian Ministry of Research and University. He is present responsible of SAFE (SwArm For Earthquake study) project funded by ESA (2015-2016) and supervisor of another ESA funded Project, TEMPO.