Changjiang Scholars

Prof. Lixin Wu,Member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, the leading professor of Geomatics (Surveying and Mapping) in the School of Geoscience and Info-Physics of Central South University, China. He is a Chang Jiang Scholar Awarded Professor since 2004 and obtained the National Outstanding Youth Funds of China in 2005. He received his B.S. degree in Mine Surveying from China University of Mining & Technology (CUMT) in 1988, M.S. degree in Geodesy and Surveying Engineering from CUMT-Beijing in 1991; and Ph.D. degree in Geodesy and Surveying Engineering from CUMT-Beijing in 1997. His research interests include mainly in remote sensing, geospatial informatics, disaster investigation, and geo-hazard perception & cognition.

He was with CUMT-Beijing as lecture, associate professor and professor in 1991-2004, with Northeastern University in Shenyang as Chang Jiang Scholar awarded professor and director of Institute of Digital Mine and Geomatics in 2004-2008, with Beijing Normal University as chief professor of the Academy of Disaster Reduction & Emergency Management (ADREM) in 2008-2012, with CUMT in Xuzhou as execute director of the Center of Internets of Things in 2012-2016.  

He has devoted over 25 years in digital mine and geo-hazards remote sensing, especially in 3D geoscience modeling and multiple parameters analysis based on synergic observation and GEOSS. With 10 works, 300 about journal papers (Proceeding of IEEE, ISPRS JPRS, IEEE TGARS, NHESS, IJRMMS, Remote Sensing, Advances in Space Research, Annals of Geophysics, Annals of GIS, Transaction in GIS, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, J Supercomputing, Science in China (D), Chinese Science Bulletin, etc.) , more than 100 proceeding papers (IGARSS,ISPRS,SPIE, PIERS, and ISDE, etc.) and successful applications of achievements in industry and government, he and his group were awarded with 2 national prizes and 10 provincial prizes on science & technology progress in China.

He was the former co-chair of the Commission on User Application of Remote Sensing of IEEE GRSS, the Infrastructure Board member of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO), and the liaison of IEEE-GRSS and GEO. Currently, he is the chair of GEO Working Group on Coal-Environment (WGCE), the chair of ISPRS WG of Remote Sensing on Atmospheric Environment (WG III-8), the China nation-member of ISDE. He is also a board member of the China Association of Remote Sensing Application(CARSA) and the China Association of GIS (CAGIS); and the vice chairman of the Committee on GIS Theory & Methodology of CAGIS, the vice chairman of the Committee on Geology & Mineral Resources of CAGIS, the vice Chairman of the Committee on Space-based Observation on Earth of China Seismology Society (CSS). He acts also the editor-in-chief of Journal Geography and Geo-information Science (JGAGIS).

