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发布时间:2019-04-22    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:

1. Li Z. W., Li J., Ding X. L., Wu L. X., Ke L. H., Hu J., Xu B., Peng F. Anomalousglacier changes in thesoutheastof Tuomuer-Khan Tengri Mountain Ranges, Central Tianshan,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.2019,123(13): 6840-6863. (SCI)

2. Fu H. Q., Zhu J. J., Wang, C. C., Zhao R., Xie Q. H. Underlying topography estimation over forest areas using single-baseline InSAR data,IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2018, 9(4): 363. (SCI)

3. Fu H. Q., Zhu J. J., Wang C. C., Zhao R., Xie Q. H. Atmospheric effect correction for InSAR with wavelet decomposition-based correlation analysis between multipolarization interferograms,IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2018, 56(10): 5614-5625. (SCI)

4. Fu H. Q., Zhu, J. J. Wang C. C., Wang H. Q. Zhao R. A wavelet decomposition and polynomial fitting-based method for the estimation of time-varying residual motion error in airborne interferometric SAR,IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2018, 56(1), 49-59. (SCI)

5. Yang Z. F., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Axel Preusse., Hu J., Feng G. C., Yi H. W., Markus Papst. An alternative method for estimating 3-D large displacements of mining areas from a single SAR amplitude pair using offset tracking,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.2018,56(7): 3645-3656. (SCI)

6. Yang Z. F., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Axel Preusse., Hu J., Feng G. C., Markus Papst. Time series 3-D mining-induced large displacements modeling and robust estimation from a single geometry SAR amplitude dataset,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2018,56(6): 3600-3610. (SCI)

7. Liu J, H., Hu J., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Sun Q., Gan J. A method for measuring 3-D surface deformations with InSAR based on strain model and variance component estimation,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2018,56(1): 239-250. (SCI)

8. Liu N., Dai W. J., Santerre R., Hu J., Shi Q., Yang C. J. High spatio-temporal resolution deformation time series with the fusion of InSAR and GNSS data usingspatio-temporal random effect model,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.2018,57(99):364-380. (SCI)

9. Yang Z. F., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Yi H. W., Feng G. C., Hu J., Wu L. X., Alex Preusse., Wang Y. J., Markus Papst. Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining from space-borne SAR interferometry,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2018,135: 112-126. (SCI)

10. Yang Z. F., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Preusse, Axel; Hu J., Feng G. C., Wang Y. J., Markus Papst. An InSAR-based temporal probability integral method and its application for predicting mining-induced dynamic deformations and assessing progressive damage to surface buildings,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018,11(2): 472-484.(SCI)

11. Yang Z. F., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Preusse A., Hu J., Feng G. C., Papst M.High resolution 3D displacement retrieval of mining areas from a single SAR amplitude pair using the SPIKE algorithm,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018, 11(10):3782-3793.(SCI)

12. Li J., Li Z. W., Wu L. X., Xu, B., Hu J., Miao Z. L.Deriving a time series of 3D glacier motion to investigate interactions of a large mountain glacial system with its glacial lake: Use of synthetic aperture radar pixel offset-small baseline subset technique,Journal of Hydrology. 2018,559: 596-608.(SCI)

13. Fu H. Q., Zhu J. J., Wang C. C., Li Z. W. Underlying topography extraction over forest areas from multi-baseline PolInSAR data,Journal of Geodesy. 2018,92(7): 727-742.(SCI)

14. Yang Z. F., Li Z. W., Zhu J. J., Feng G. C., Wang Q. J., Hu J., Wang C. C. Mapping time-series three-dimensional displacements of mining area with a single geometry InSAR dataset,Journal of Geodesy. 2018,92(5): 529-544.(SCI)

15. Cao Y. M., Li Z. W. Stochastic modeling for time-series InSAR: with emphasis on atmospheric effects,Journal of Geodesy. 2018,92(2): 185-204.(SCI)

16. Zhou Y. S., Li Z. W., Li J. Glacier mass balance in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and its surroundings from the mid-1970s to 2000 based on Hexagon KH-9 and SRTM DEMs,Remote Sensing of Environment. 2018,210:96-112.(SCI)

17. Tang Y. Q., Lan C. Y., Feng H. H. Effect analysis of land-use pattern with landscape metrics on an urban heat island,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2018,12(2).(SCI)

18. Xu W. B., Feng G. C., Meng L. S., Zhang A. L., and Ampuero J. P.,BürgmannR. and Fang L. H. Transpressional rupture cascade of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand,Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth. 2018, 123(3): 2396-2409.(SCI)

19. Wang C. C., Cai J. H., Li Z. W., Mao X. K., Feng G. C., Wang Q. J. Kinematic parameter inversion of the slumgullion landslide using the time series offset tracking method with UAVSAR data,Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth. 2018, 123(9): 8110-8124.(SCI)

20. Zhang H. B., Wang C. C., Zhu J. J., Fu, H. Q., Xie, Q. H., Shen, P. Forest above-ground biomass estimation using single-baseline polarization coherence tomography with P-band PolInSAR data,Forests.2018, 9: 163. (SCI)

21. Shen P., Wang C. C., Gao H., Zhu J. J. An adaptive nonlocal mean filter for PolSAR data with shape-adaptive patches matching,Sensors.2018, 18(7), 2215. (SCI)

22. Gao H., Wang C. C., Wang G. Y., Zhu J. J., Tang Y. Q., Shen, P., Zhu Z. W. A crop classification method integrating GF-3 PolSAR and Sentinel-2A optical data in the Dongting Lake Basin,Sensors. 2018, 18, 3139. (SCI)

23. An M., Sun Q., Hu J., Tang Y. Q., Zhu Z. W. Coastline detection with Gaofen-3 SAR images using an improved FCM method,Sensors. 2018, 18(6), 1898. (SCI)

24. Gan J., Hu J., Li Z. W., Yang C. J., Liu J. H., Sun Q., Zheng W. J. Mapping three-dimensional co-seismic surface deformations associated with the 2015 MW7.2 Murghab earthquake based on InSAR and characteristics of crustal strain,SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2018, 61(10): 1451-1466.(SCI)

25. 蒋弥,丁晓利,李志伟.时序InSAR同质样本选取算法研究.地球物理学报,61(12):4767-4776, 2018.

Jiang M., Ding X. L., Li Z. W. Homogeneous pixel selection algorithm for multi-temporal InSAR,Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2018, 61(12):4767-4776. (SCI)

26. Zhang L., Sun Q., Hu J. Potential of TCPInSAR in monitoring linear infrastructure with a small dataset of SAR images: application of the Donghai Bridge,China. Applied Sciences. 2018, 8(3), 425. (SCI)

27. Liu Z. W., Fu H. Q., Zhu J. J., Zuo T. Y., Zhou C. Using dual-polarization interferograms to correct atmospheric effects for InSAR topographic mapping.Remote Sensing. 2018, 10(8): 1310. (SCI)

28. Xie Q. H., Zhu J. J., Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, Wang C. C. Fu H. Q. A modified general polarimetric model-based decomposition method with the simplified neumann volume scattering model,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2018, 15(8): 1229-1333. (SCI)