个人简介:主要从事InSAR冻土区形变监测、参数反演研究,以第一作者在国际权威SCI期刊Remote Sensing of Environment发表学术论文1篇,以导师第一本人第二在国际SCI期刊Scientific Reports发表学术论文1篇。主持中南大学研究生自主探索创新计划1项,欧洲空间局、德国宇航局等数据计划项目3项,参与国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、中南大学创新驱动项目1项。曾获得博士研究生国家奖学金1次、中南大学拔尖博士生校长奖学金1次。
[1]Rong Zhao, Zhi-wei Li, Guang-cai Feng, Qi-jie Wang, Jun Hu. Monitoring surface deformation over permafrost with an improved SBAS-InSAR algorithm: With emphasis on climatic factors modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 184: 276-287. (SCI, IF=6.265)
[2]Zhiwei Li, Rong Zhao, Jun Hu, Lianxing Wen, Guangcai Feng et al. InSAR analysis of surface deformation over permafrost to estimate active layer thickness based on one-dimensional heat transfer model of soils. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5. (SCI, IF=4.259)
[3]赵蓉,胡俊,章浙涛等.多分辨率分析的干涉技术大气改正算法.测绘科学, 2015, 40(3):57-62. (CSCD)
[1]欧洲空间局数据计划:Time Series InSAR analysis of surface deformation over permafrost regions of Qinghai- Tibet plateau(No:14662)无经费支持,批准影像数据200景;
[2]欧洲空间局数据计划:Monitoring the changes of the active layer thickness over Qinghai-Tibet plateau permafrost areas based on time series InSAR(No:29508)无经费支持,批准影像数据200景;
[3]德国宇航局数据计划:SBAS-InSAR analysis of surface deformation over permafrost regions of Qinghai-Tibet plateau(No:GEO2619)无经费支持,批准影像数据30景;