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个人简介:本人自硕士阶段起从事有关合成孔径雷达干涉测量学(InSAR)的相关研究,在丁晓利教授和李志伟教授的指导下于2009年和2011年分别荣获中南大学优秀硕士论文以及湖南省优秀硕士论文奖。博士阶段在香港理工大学丁晓利教授和荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU-DelftRamon Hanssen教授的指导下,从事有关时序InSAR理论和数据处理的研究工作,发布了基于分布式雷达散射目标探测的SHPS-InSAR MATLAB开源工具包。目前,先后参与完成了国家自然科学基金、香港研究资助局RGC、香港创新科技署创新及科技基金ITF等项目。主持了国家自然科学基金项目2项,国际数据合作计划项目4项,欧洲空间局和中国国家科技部国际合作项目龙计划第四期子课题1项,归国人员择优项目1项,国家测绘局开放基金3项。



[1]M. Jiang, Z. Miao, P. Gamba, and B. Yong, “Application of Multitemporal InSAR Covariance and Information Fusion to Robust Road Extraction,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 55, pp. 3611-3622, 2017.

[2]M. Jiang, B. Yong, X. Tian, R. Malhotra, R. Hu, Z. Li, Z. Yu, and X. Zhang, “The potential of more accurate InSAR covariance matrix estimation for land cover mapping,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 126, pp. 120-128, 2017.

[3]M. Jiang, X. Ding, X. He, Z. Li, and G. Shi, “FaSHPS-inSAR technique for distributed scatterers: a case study over the lost hills oil field, california,”地球物理學報(Chinese journal of geophysics), 2016.

[4]M. Jiang, X. Ding, R. F. Hanssen, R. Malhotra, and L. Chang, “Fast Statistically Homogeneous Pixel Selection for Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multitemporal InSAR,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 53, pp. 1213-1224, 2015.

[5]M. Jiang, X. Ding, and Z. Li, “Hybrid approach for unbiased coherence estimation for multitemporal InSAR,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 52, pp. 2459-2473, 2014.

[6]M. Jiang, X. Ding, Z. Li, X. Tian, C. Wang, and W. Zhu, “InSAR Coherence Estimation for Small Data Sets and Its Impact on Temporal Decorrelation Extraction,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 52, pp. 6584-6596, 2014.

[7]M. Jiang, X. Ding, Z. Li, X. Tian, W. Zhu, C. Wang, and B. Xu, “The Improvement for Baran Phase Filter Derived From Unbiased InSAR Coherence,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 7, pp. 3002-3010, 2014.

[8]M. Jiang, X. Ding, X. Tian, R. Malhotra, and W. Kong, “A hybrid method for optimization of the adaptive Goldstein filter,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 98, pp. 29-43, 2014.

[9]M. Jiang, X. Ding, Z. Li, C. Wang, W. Zhu, and K. Linghong, “InSAR coherence magnitude estimation based on data stack,”地球物理學報(Chinese journal of geophysics), vol. 56, pp. 799-811, 2013.

[10]M. Jiang, Z. Li, X. Ding, J.-J. Zhu, and G. Feng, “Modeling minimum and maximum detectable deformation gradients of interferometric SAR measurements,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 13, pp. 766-777, 2011.

[11]M. Jiang, Z.-W. Li, X.-L. Ding, J.-J. Zhu, G.-C. Feng, and H.-J. Yin, “A study on the maximum and minimum detectable deformation gradients resolved by InSAR,”地球物理學報(Chinese journal of geophysics), 2009.



