Sensing Geological Hazards from Space: fr...
报 告 人: Falk Amelung
时 间: 2:30 p.m., May 22nd, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC Sensing Geological Hazards from Space: from Earthquakes in Afghanistan to the Forecasting of Volcanic Eruptions 报告人/SPE...
报 告 人: Kunshan Chen
时 间: 10:15 a.m., May 22nd, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC 被动微波遥感技术新进展 报告人/SPEAKER: Kunshan Chen Professor of University of California at Santa Barbara, USA 地点 /PLACE: 2...
From Multipurpose Survey Control and Base...
报 告 人: David J. Coleman
时 间: 8:30 a.m., May 22nd, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC From Multipurpose Survey Control and Base Mapping to Personal Spatial Data Infrastructures: 50 years of Opportunities a...
Discover Patterns and Events from Geo-tag...
报 告 人: Jie Shan
时 间: 2:30 p.m., May 21st, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC Discover Patterns and Events from Geo-tagged Tweets 报告人/SPEAKER: Jie Shan Professor of Purdue University, USA 地...
Synchronous and Asynchronous Relationship...
报 告 人: Liqiu Meng
时 间: 8:30 a.m., May 20th, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC Synchronous and Asynchronous Relationships between Maps and Cities 报告人/SPEAKER: Liqiu Meng Technische University...
A Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Signals from...
报 告 人: Angelo De Santis
时 间: 9:00 a.m., May 18th, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC A Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Signals from SwArm Satellites 报告人/SPEAKER: Angelo De Santis Director of Research, Istit...
A Misterious Planetary Magnetic Field Fea...
报 告 人: Angelo De Santis
时 间: 9:00 a.m., May 17th, 2018
地 点: 213 conference room, Physics Building
简 介: 题目/TOPIC A Misterious Planetary Magnetic Field Feature: The South Atlantic Anomaly 报告人/SPEAKER: Angelo De Santis Director of Re...