Prof. Reimar Seltmann
Academician, NHM
Research Leader and Head of CERCAMS
Affiliation: The Natural History Museum
Department: Earth Sciences
Division: Economic and Environmental Earth Sciences
Researcher in Petrology and Mineral Deposits in the
Mineralogy and Origin of Ore Deposits Group, since July 2012 part of the
Museum’s Department of Earth Sciences.
Economic Geology, Metallogeny,
Igneous Petrology, Alteration Geochemistry:
Mineralogy and origin of ore deposits, particularly
magmatic-hydrothermal transition processes, anatomy and textures of mineralized
felsic systems, with regional focus on granite-ore systems and districts of the
former Soviet Union, China, Mongolia. I use my understanding of earth processes
and specialist knowledge of Central Asia to create generic databases and tools
to guide the exploration of mineral deposits.
Professional experience in
applied research and mining consultancy:
Since 2002 Head (Founder) of the Centre for Russian
and Central Eurasian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS) based at the NHM, London.
Commissioned research and consultancy projects in former Soviet Union (CIS),
Mongolia, China and Afghanistan, including client introduction to target
regions. Country and commodity studies (Cu, Au, U, PGE, Ni, base metals,
Sn-W-Mo-Re-Be-REE and other rare metals, potash, fluorite, barite, aggregate,
coal). Regional exploration targeting in Transeurasian Hercynian Belt (Cornwall,
Krusne hory-Erzgebirge), Urals, Siberia, Gobi, Tienshan, Kyzylkum, Kazakhstan,
Namibia. GIS-based studies from continental to district scale. Latest deposit
case studies included Muruntau, Bakyrchik, Sukhoj Log, Kounrad, Kalmakyr, Oyu
Tolgoi, Udokan, Peschanka, Dzhezkazgan.
Prof. Alla
Senior Researcher
Affiliation: The Natural History Museum
Department: Earth Sciences
Division: Economic and Environmental Earth Sciences
At the Centre for Russian and Central
Eur Asian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS) I work on projects related to mineral
deposit studies. I am involved in consultancy projects in Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Russia. Research areas of particular interest
include: isotope mapping as tool in exploration targeting; origin of ore
deposits; economic geology; environmental effects of mining and ore processing.
I am a member of the NHM team contributing to the EU Horizon 2020 funded
projects FAME (Flexible And Mobile Economic processing technologies) and Li4UK
(Lithium for UK) investigating the mineralogy, extraction and beneficiation of Li-bearing
greisen, pegmatite and skarn deposits in Europe.